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Organizing DevOps Hackathons

Estimated time to read: 16 minutes

In the vibrant world of technology, change is the only constant. Trends come and go, languages evolve, and the tech community continuously searches for innovative ways to problem-solve, build, and learn. Amidst this dynamic environment, one phenomenon has increasingly emerged as a powerful tool for collective creativity and learning—hackathons.

A hackathon, a portmanteau of the words "hack" and "marathon," is an event that typically lasts several hours or even days, where individuals converge to 'hack' together—collaborating intensively to solve problems, build software, and create prototypes. Derived from the playful connotation of 'hacking', these events are not about breaking into systems but innovatively and creatively breaking down complex problems to build something new.

What makes hackathons unique and popular is their format. Bringing together people from diverse backgrounds—coders, designers, entrepreneurs, and others—hackathons harness collective intelligence in a high-energy, time-bound format. The intense focus and collaborative spirit often yield breakthrough ideas and prototypes that may have taken weeks or months to develop under normal circumstances.

Hackathons originated in the tech industry but have since spread to many other fields, reflecting their power to foster innovation and collaboration. These events offer numerous benefits for participants, organisers, and sponsors alike. For participants, hackathons are a chance to learn new skills, collaborate with others, challenge themselves, and even showcase their talent to potential employers. For organisers, hackathons can generate innovative ideas, promote their brand or cause, and build a community around it. For sponsors, they offer brand visibility and access to a pool of talented individuals.

Within the tech industry, one field that has greatly benefited from the hackathon model is DevOps. DevOps, a combination of "development" and "operations," is a set of practices designed to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery of high-quality software. DevOps hackathons allow teams to explore new tools, practices, and ideas, fostering a culture of collaboration and continual learning that is at the heart of the DevOps philosophy.

This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of organising a successful DevOps hackathon, drawing on insights from renowned resources like "The Hackathon Survival Guide" and "Hackathons Unboxed". It also aims to help participants understand what they should know and bring to these events, ensuring they are well-prepared to make the most out of the experience.

Whether you're a non-profit organisation aiming to leverage the power of DevOps to solve real-world problems, a corporate entity seeking to fuel innovation and teamwork, or an enthusiastic participant looking to learn, innovate, and win—this guide is for you. As we delve into the world of DevOps hackathons, let's remember that success in such endeavours isn't just about building the best prototype; it's also about learning, camaraderie, and the experience of seeing an idea come to life. Let's get started!

Purpose of a Hackathon

Hackathons serve various purposes, each one reflecting a different facet of their multifaceted potential. For some, hackathons are intense brainstorming sessions, a crucible where groundbreaking ideas are forged. For others, they're platforms for learning and mentorship, where seasoned professionals guide aspiring developers. And for many, they're springboards for innovation, turning bright ideas into tangible prototypes or even fully-fledged products.

For Organizers

Organisers often conduct hackathons to spur innovation and problem-solving within a focused context. This context can be as specific as developing a feature for an existing product or as broad as solving global environmental challenges. By providing a venue for people to collaborate and apply their skills creatively, organisers can tap into a diverse range of ideas and solutions that may not emerge through regular channels.

Moreover, hackathons can significantly enhance an organisation's brand image, demonstrating their commitment to innovation, open dialogue, and community-building. These events can help foster a loyal, engaged community around the organization's mission, products, or services.

Lastly, for corporations and startups, hackathons can serve as an unconventional recruitment tool. These events offer a unique opportunity to observe participants' skills, creativity, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities in a real-world context, making it a dynamic alternative to traditional recruitment processes.

For Participants

For participants, hackathons are an unparalleled learning experience. They provide a platform to learn new technologies, hone existing skills, and apply theoretical knowledge to practical challenges. The intense, collaborative nature of hackathons fosters rapid learning, with participants often picking up new languages, tools, or techniques over the course of the event.

Furthermore, hackathons allow participants to network with like-minded individuals, industry professionals, and potential employers. They can work alongside experienced mentors, collaborate with peers, and even showcase their abilities to representatives from sponsoring companies.

The sense of accomplishment that comes from turning an idea into a functioning prototype in a limited timeframe is another draw for participants. Even if their projects don't win, participants often walk away with a boost in confidence, a deeper understanding of their capabilities, and a portfolio piece to showcase in future endeavours.

For Sponsors

Sponsors, often businesses or other organisations, support hackathons for several reasons. These events offer them high visibility among a technically skilled and innovative audience, helping them build brand awareness and goodwill.

Sponsoring a hackathon also allows companies to demonstrate their commitment to fostering innovation and supporting the tech community. It positions the sponsoring company as a leader in the industry, associated with creativity, learning, and technological advancement.

Additionally, much like the organisers, sponsors can leverage hackathons as a talent acquisition platform. They can identify potential hires demonstrating exceptional skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities throughout the event.

Segue into DevOps Hackathons

Just as the fusion of Development and Operations sparked a revolution in the tech industry, DevOps hackathons have redefined the purpose and potential of hackathons. In a DevOps hackathon, participants are tasked with challenges that revolve around improving communication, collaboration, integration, automation, and more within the DevOps lifecycle. The focus isn't just on creating software but on enhancing the process of how this software is created and delivered, making it faster, more efficient, and more reliable.

A DevOps hackathon can be an effective way for organisations to fast-track their DevOps transformation journey, uncovering potential pitfalls and discovering effective strategies through hands-on experience. For participants, these hackathons offer a chance to dive deep into the DevOps culture, exploring modern tools, practices, and philosophies that are shaping the world of software development and operations. And for sponsors, supporting a DevOps hackathon can

Understanding DevOps

The technology world is always evolving, and one of the most significant shifts in recent years is the rise of DevOps. DevOps, a fusion of 'Development' and 'Operations,' is not just a set of tools or technologies but a cultural shift in how we build and deliver software. It breaks down the silos between developers, who build and test software, and operations, who deploy and maintain it.

The Principles of DevOps

At the heart of DevOps are a few key principles that help organisations deliver better software faster and more reliably:

Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) This principle involves regularly integrating code changes into a shared repository and automatically testing each change to catch bugs early. The 'delivery' part ensures that you always have a deployable build on hand, significantly reducing the time between conceiving a feature and deploying it.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) This practice involves managing and provisioning computing infrastructure through machine-readable script files rather than manual processes. IaC enables developers to manage infrastructure in the same way they handle application code, increasing efficiency and reducing errors.

Microservices Rather than building a single, monolithic application, DevOps encourages developing small, independent services that communicate with each other. This modular approach allows teams to update, scale, and deploy each service independently, improving speed and reliability.

Monitoring and Logging Regularly monitoring application performance and user behaviour helps catch issues before they affect users. Comprehensive logging assists in debugging and problem-solving. Together, these practices ensure quick resolution of issues and optimal application performance.

Collaboration and Communication Perhaps the most crucial aspect of DevOps is its emphasis on breaking down barriers between teams. Developers, operations, and even other teams like QA and security work closely together throughout a project, improving efficiency and understanding.

DevOps Tools and Methodologies

Countless tools are available to implement DevOps practices, each serving different needs within the DevOps lifecycle. Here are a few categories of tools you might encounter:

Source Control Tools like Git help manage and track code changes, facilitating collaboration between developers.

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment Tools like Jenkins, CircleCI, and Travis CI automate the process of integrating code changes and preparing them for deployment.

Configuration Management and Infrastructure Automation Tools like Puppet, Chef, Ansible, and Terraform allow managing infrastructure as code.

Containerization and Orchestration Docker, Kubernetes, and other similar tools allow packing applications and their dependencies into a container, which can be run on any system.

Monitoring and Logging Tools like Prometheus, Grafana, ELK Stack, and others provide insights into application performance and help track issues.

The specific tools used can vary based on the organisation's needs, but the goal is to streamline the process of developing, deploying, and maintaining software.

DevOps Best Practices

Implementing DevOps involves more than just choosing the right tools—it's about adopting practices that foster collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement:

Frequent Code Releases Regularly releasing small updates reduces the risk of bugs and makes it easier to roll back if something goes wrong.

Automate Everything From testing to deployment, automation is a key element of DevOps. Automated processes are faster, more reliable, and more repeatable than manual ones.

Shared Responsibility In a DevOps culture, everyone is responsible for the quality and reliability of the software—not just the developers or the operations team.

Learning from Failures Rather than blaming individuals when something goes wrong, successful DevOps teams focus on learning from mistakes and improving their

How to Organize a DevOps Hackathon

Organising a successful DevOps hackathon involves careful planning, strategic decision-making, and thorough execution. Here's a detailed guide on how to go about it:


Define the Purpose The first step to organising a DevOps hackathon is to define its purpose. Is it to foster innovation within your organisation? To solve a specific industry problem? Or perhaps to scout for new talent? Clearly defining the purpose will guide every other decision you make—from the theme and rules to the selection of judges and participants.

Set a Budget Determining your budget early on is crucial. The budget will influence various aspects such as the venue, food, prizes, and marketing. Consider potential funding sources, such as sponsorships, grants, or registration fees.

Choose a Date and Venue The date should be far enough in the future to allow ample time for planning and promotion. The venue needs to accommodate all participants comfortably and provide necessary facilities like Wi-Fi, power outlets, and restrooms. For a DevOps hackathon, consider a venue that facilitates collaboration and has space for break-out sessions or presentations.

Assemble a Team Organizing a hackathon is a team effort. You'll need people to handle logistics, marketing, sponsorships, participant relations, and more. Assemble a team with diverse skills and clearly define roles and responsibilities.


Set a Theme The theme should align with the purpose of your hackathon. For a DevOps hackathon, you might choose themes around continuous integration, microservices, infrastructure as code, or another relevant DevOps concept.

Develop Rules and Judging Criteria Rules provide structure and ensure fairness. Outline what is expected of participants, what is allowed and what isn’t. Define judging criteria based on the hackathon’s theme and purpose. Criteria might include innovation, practicality, presentation, or alignment with DevOps principles.

Arrange for Mentors and Judges: Mentors guide participants during the event while judges evaluate the final submissions. Choose individuals with DevOps expertise and align with your event's theme and purpose.

Set Up Registration: Decide whether you want individual participants, pre-formed teams, or both. Use an online registration system to manage sign-ups and gather necessary participant information.


Organize the Event Structure DevOps hackathons might include workshops, networking sessions, coding sessions, and presentation rounds. Decide the sequence and timing of these elements.

Plan for Food and Accommodation If it’s a multi-day event, you may need to consider accommodation for participants. Plan meals, snacks, and beverages even for a single-day event.

Create a Code of Conduct A code of conduct helps ensure a respectful, inclusive environment. It should outline acceptable behaviour and provide a mechanism for reporting violations.

Market the Event Use social media, emails, flyers, tech meetups, and other relevant channels to promote your event. Highlight what makes your hackathon unique and what participants stand to gain.


Announce the Winners This can be done in a closing ceremony, where you can also thank participants, mentors, judges, and sponsors. Provide clear communication on how the winners were chosen based on the judging criteria.

Thank Sponsors and Participants Send thank-you notes to everyone who contributed to the event’s success. Personalized messages can make people feel valued and more likely to participate or contribute in the future.

Conduct Post-Event Surveys Gather feedback from participants, sponsors, mentors, and judges to learn what went

Well and what could be improved. This feedback is invaluable for planning future events.

Follow-up Actions Share the outcomes of the hackathon with the larger community. This might include showcasing the winning projects on your website or social media, hosting a post-event meetup, or sending out a press release.

Organising a DevOps hackathon can be a rewarding experience. It provides an opportunity to foster creativity, collaboration, and learning, all while accelerating the growth and innovation in the field of DevOps.

What Participants Should Know and Bring to a DevOps Hackathon

Being well-prepared for a hackathon not only increases your chances of success but also helps to ensure a positive and stress-free experience. Here's a guide on what participants should know and bring to a DevOps hackathon:

Pre-event Knowledge

Event Details Understand the hackathon's location, date, and time. Note any registration deadlines, and be sure to register on time. Ensure you know how to get to the venue and where to park if driving.

Rules and Judging Criteria Familiarize yourself with the hackathon rules. This includes any restrictions on pre-written code, team sizes, and submission requirements. Understanding the judging criteria can also help guide your project development, as you'll know what aspects the judges will focus on.

Schedule Hackathons often provide a detailed schedule of the event, including when coding begins and ends, meal times, and when presentations will be. Be sure to review this schedule so you can plan your time effectively.

Mentors Hackathons often provide mentors to help guide participants. Find out who these mentors are, and research their background and expertise. Knowing their areas of knowledge can help you get the most out of their assistance.

Code of Conduct All hackathons should provide a code of conduct, which outlines expected behaviors and values, and the procedures for reporting any issues. Be sure to read and understand the code of conduct to ensure a respectful and inclusive environment for everyone.


Being properly equipped for a hackathon can make a significant difference to your experience. Here's a list of essentials you should consider bringing:

Hardware Bring your laptop, along with its charger. You may also want to bring an extension cord or a power strip, in case outlets are scarce. If you have a mouse or a keyboard that you're particularly comfortable with, bring those along as well.

Software Make sure you have all the necessary software installed on your laptop before the event. This includes your preferred integrated development environment (IDE), any necessary programming languages, and the tools specific to DevOps like Docker, Jenkins, Git, etc. Having these installed in advance saves precious time during the hackathon.

Personal Items Comfort is key during a long event like a hackathon. Pack personal items like a water bottle, snacks, a hoodie or jacket in case the venue is cold, and hygiene products like hand sanitiser or wet wipes.

Notebook and Pens While most of your work will be on a computer, it's often helpful to have a notebook and pens for sketching out ideas, keeping track of tasks, or jotting down insights from mentors.

Sleeping Gear If the hackathon is an overnight event, you might want to bring a sleeping bag, travel pillow, and eye mask. Getting some rest during a hackathon is essential for maintaining your energy and focus.

Team Identification If you're part of a team, consider bringing something that identifies your team, like matching t-shirts or hats. This can help build team spirit and make your team easily identifiable.

Remember, the key to a successful hackathon experience is preparation. By knowing what to expect and coming well-equipped, you can focus your energy on creating, learning, and making the most of the event.


Hackathons represent a powerful tool in the tech world, offering a platform for creativity, innovation, and problem-solving within a collaborative environment. These events bring together diverse individuals who share a common passion for technology, enabling them to learn, grow, and push the boundaries of what's possible.

The rise of DevOps has revolutionised how software is built and delivered, underscoring the importance of collaboration, automation, and a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Organising a DevOps hackathon offers a unique opportunity to further these principles, driving innovation in this critical field.

For organisers, a successful DevOps hackathon requires careful planning and execution. Beginning with a clear purpose, organisers need to carefully manage every aspect of the event, from the budget to the venue, theme, rules, and much more. Each decision should align with the overarching goal of the event, contributing to an environment that fosters learning and innovation.

Ensuring a diverse panel of mentors and judges with unique experiences and perspectives will also significantly enhance the value participants derive from the event. Moreover, a well-considered marketing strategy is key to attracting a wide range of participants and sponsors. At the same time, a comprehensive follow-up plan helps maximise the long-term impact of the event.

For participants, preparation is equally important. Before the event, participants should familiarise themselves with all the necessary information, including the event details, rules, judging criteria, and the code of conduct. Knowledge of the DevOps principles, methodologies, and tools is also vital, as these form the foundation upon which their hackathon projects will be built.

Equally important is a checklist of items to bring to the event. Apart from the obvious, like a laptop and necessary software, participants should consider their personal comfort, bringing items such as snacks, water, and possibly even a sleeping bag for overnight events.

In conclusion, whether you're an organiser planning your first DevOps hackathon, or a participant preparing to dive into this enriching experience, preparation is key. As the famous quote goes, "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." But with careful preparation, a DevOps hackathon can be a truly rewarding experience—fostering innovation, building community, and pushing the DevOps field to new heights. Remember, the goal of a hackathon extends beyond winning. It is about learning, growing, and contributing to the larger tech community.