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Kubernetes Cheat Sheet

Estimated time to read: 10 minutes

K8s Istio Helm

Kubernetes Cluster Management

Command Syntax Example Description
Get cluster info kubectl cluster-info kubectl cluster-info Display addresses of the master and services
Get cluster nodes kubectl get nodes kubectl get nodes List all nodes in the cluster
Get node details kubectl describe node NODE_NAME kubectl describe node my-node Get detailed information about a node

Kubernetes Namespace Management

Command Syntax Example Description
Get namespaces kubectl get namespaces kubectl get namespaces List all namespaces in the cluster
Create namespace kubectl create namespace NAMESPACE_NAME kubectl create namespace mynamespace Create a new namespace
Set namespace context kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=NAMESPACE_NAME kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=mynamespace Set the namespace for the current context

Kubernetes Deployment Management

Command Syntax Example Description
Get deployments kubectl get deployments kubectl get deployments List all deployments in the current namespace
Create deployment kubectl create deployment DEPLOYMENT_NAME --image=IMAGE_NAME kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx Create a new deployment with the specified image
Update deployment kubectl set image deployment/DEPLOYMENT_NAME CONTAINER_NAME=NEW_IMAGE_NAME kubectl set image deployment/nginx nginx=nginx:1.19 Update the image for a deployment
Rollback deployment kubectl rollout undo deployment DEPLOYMENT_NAME kubectl rollout undo deployment nginx Rollback a deployment to the previous revision

Kubernetes Service Management

Command Syntax Example Description
Get services kubectl get services kubectl get services List all services in the current namespace
Create service kubectl expose deployment DEPLOYMENT_NAME --type=SERVICE_TYPE --port=PORT kubectl expose deployment nginx --type=LoadBalancer --port=80 Create a new service for a deployment
Update service kubectl patch svc SERVICE_NAME -p '{"spec": {"ports": [{"port": NEW_PORT, "targetPort": NEW_TARGET_PORT}]}}' kubectl patch svc nginx -p '{"spec": {"ports": [{"port": 8080, "targetPort": 80}]}}' Update the port and target port for a service
Delete service kubectl delete service SERVICE_NAME kubectl delete service nginx Delete a service

Kubernetes ConfigMap and Secret Management

Command Syntax Example Description
Create ConfigMap kubectl create configmap CONFIGMAP_NAME --from-file=FILE_PATH kubectl create configmap myconfig --from-file=config.txt Create a new ConfigMap from a file
Create Secret kubectl create secret generic SECRET_NAME --from-file=FILE_PATH kubectl create secret generic mysecret --from-file=secret.txt Create a new Secret from a file
Get ConfigMaps and Secrets kubectl get configmaps,secrets kubectl get configmaps,secrets List all ConfigMaps and Secrets in the current namespace

Helm Commands

Command Syntax Example Description
Install chart helm install RELEASE_NAME CHART_NAME helm install my-release stable/nginx Install a Helm chart
Upgrade release helm upgrade RELEASE_NAME CHART_NAME helm upgrade my-release stable/nginx Upgrade a Helm release to a new version of the chart
Rollback release helm rollback RELEASE_NAME REVISION helm rollback my-release 1 Rollback a Helm release to a specific revision
List releases helm list helm list List all Helm releases
Get release history helm history RELEASE_NAME helm history my-release Get the history of a Helm release
Uninstall release helm uninstall RELEASE_NAME helm uninstall my-release Uninstall a Helm release

Istio Commands

Command Syntax Example Description
Install Istio istioctl install istioctl install Install Istio using the default profile
Check Istio installation istioctl verify-install istioctl verify-install Verify that Istio has been installed and is running correctly
Analyze configuration istioctl analyze istioctl analyze Analyze Istio configuration in the current namespace
Add a namespace label kubectl label namespace NAMESPACE_NAME istio-injection=enabled kubectl label namespace mynamespace istio-injection=enabled Add a label to enable automatic sidecar injection for a namespace

Miscellaneous Commands

Command Syntax Example Description
Get all resources kubectl get all kubectl get all List all resources in the current namespace
Get resource details kubectl describe RESOURCE_TYPE RESOURCE_NAME kubectl describe pod my-pod Get detailed information about a specific resource
Delete resource kubectl delete RESOURCE_TYPE RESOURCE_NAME kubectl delete pod my-pod Delete a specific resource
Apply a configuration kubectl apply -f FILE_PATH kubectl apply -f my-config.yaml Apply a configuration from a file
Get resource YAML kubectl get RESOURCE_TYPE RESOURCE_NAME -o yaml kubectl get pod my-pod -o yaml Get the YAML configuration of a specific resource
Watch resource changes kubectl get RESOURCE_TYPE --watch kubectl get pods --watch Watch for changes to a specific resource type
Autoscale deployment kubectl autoscale deployment DEPLOYMENT_NAME --min=MIN_REPLICAS --max=MAX_REPLICAS --cpu-percent=CPU_PERCENT kubectl autoscale deployment nginx --min=2 --max=5 --cpu-percent=80 Autoscale a deployment based on CPU usage

Kubernetes Ingress Management

Command Syntax Example Description
Get ingresses kubectl get ingresses kubectl get ingresses List all ingresses in the current namespace
Create ingress kubectl apply -f FILE_PATH kubectl apply -f my-ingress.yaml Create a new ingress from a file
Update ingress kubectl apply -f FILE_PATH kubectl apply -f updated-ingress.yaml Update an existing ingress using a file
Delete ingress kubectl delete ingress INGRESS_NAME kubectl delete ingress my-ingress Delete a specific ingress

Kubernetes Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claim Management

Command Syntax Example Description
Get persistent volumes kubectl get pv kubectl get pv List all persistent volumes in the cluster
Create persistent volume kubectl apply -f FILE_PATH kubectl apply -f my-pv.yaml Create a new persistent volume from a file
Get persistent volume claims kubectl get pvc kubectl get pvc List all persistent volume claims in the current namespace
Create persistent volume claim kubectl apply -f FILE_PATH kubectl apply -f my-pvc.yaml Create a new persistent volume claim from a file

Kubernetes StatefulSet Management

Command Syntax Example Description
Get statefulsets kubectl get statefulsets kubectl get statefulsets List all statefulsets in the current namespace
Create statefulset kubectl apply -f FILE_PATH kubectl apply -f my-statefulset.yaml Create a new statefulset from a file
Update statefulset kubectl apply -f FILE_PATH kubectl apply -f updated-statefulset.yaml Update an existing statefulset using a file
Delete statefulset kubectl delete statefulset STATEFULSET_NAME kubectl delete statefulset my-statefulset Delete a specific statefulset

Kubernetes Job and CronJob Management

Command Syntax Example Description
Get jobs kubectl get jobs kubectl get jobs List all jobs in the current namespace
Create job kubectl apply -f FILE_PATH kubectl apply -f my-job.yaml Create a new job from a file
Delete job kubectl delete job JOB_NAME kubectl delete job my-job Delete a specific job
Get cronjobs kubectl get cronjobs kubectl get cronjobs List all cronjobs in the current namespace
Create cronjob kubectl apply -f FILE_PATH kubectl apply -f my-cronjob.yaml Create a new cronjob from a file
Update cronjob kubectl apply -f FILE_PATH kubectl apply -f updated-cronjob.yaml Update an existing cronjob using a file
Delete cronjob kubectl delete cronjob CRONJOB_NAME kubectl delete cronjob my-cronjob Delete a specific cronjob

Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) Management

Command Syntax Example Description
Get HPAs kubectl get hpa kubectl get hpa List all Horizontal Pod Autoscalers in the current namespace
Create HPA kubectl autoscale deployment DEPLOYMENT_NAME --min=MIN_REPLICAS --max=MAX_REPLICAS --cpu-percent=CPU_PERCENT kubectl autoscale deployment nginx --min=2 --max=5 --cpu-percent=80 Create a new Horizontal Pod Autoscaler for a deployment
Update HPA kubectl patch hpa HPA_NAME -p '{"spec": {"minReplicas": NEW_MIN_REPLICAS, "maxReplicas": NEW_MAX_REPLICAS, "targetCPUUtilizationPercentage": NEW_CPU_PERCENT}}' kubectl patch hpa nginx-hpa -p '{"spec": {"minReplicas": 3, "maxReplicas": 8, "targetCPUUtilizationPercentage": 75}}' Update an existing Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
Delete HPA kubectl delete hpa HPA_NAME kubectl delete hpa nginx-hpa Delete a specific Horizontal Pod Autoscaler

Kubernetes Resource Quota Management

Command Syntax Example Description
Get resource quotas kubectl get quota kubectl get quota List all resource quotas in the current namespace
Create resource quota kubectl apply -f FILE_PATH kubectl apply -f my-quota.yaml Create a new resource quota from a file
Update resource quota kubectl apply -f FILE_PATH kubectl apply -f updated-quota.yaml Update an existing resource quota using a file
Delete resource quota kubectl delete quota QUOTA_NAME kubectl delete quota my-quota Delete a specific resource quota

Kubernetes Network Policy Management

Command Syntax Example Description
Get network policies kubectl get networkpolicies kubectl get networkpolicies List all network policies in the current namespace
Create network policy kubectl apply -f FILE_PATH kubectl apply -f my-network-policy.yaml Create a new network policy from a file
Update network policy kubectl apply -f FILE_PATH kubectl apply -f updated-network-policy.yaml Update an existing network policy using a file
Delete network policy kubectl delete networkpolicy POLICY_NAME kubectl delete networkpolicy my-network-policy Delete a specific network policy

Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition (CRD) Management

Command Syntax Example Description
Get CRDs kubectl get crd kubectl get crd List all Custom Resource Definitions in the cluster
Create CRD kubectl apply -f FILE_PATH kubectl apply -f my-crd.yaml Create a new Custom Resource Definition from a file
Update CRD kubectl apply -f FILE_PATH kubectl apply -f updated-crd.yaml Update an existing Custom Resource Definition using a file
Delete CRD kubectl delete crd CRD_NAME kubectl delete crd my-crd Delete a specific Custom Resource Definition

Logs and Troubleshooting

Command Syntax Example Description
Get pod logs 'kubectl logs POD_NAME' kubectl logs my-pod Get logs of a specific pod (stdout)
Get container logs kubectl logs POD_NAME -c CONTAINER_NAME kubectl logs my-pod -c my-container Get logs of a specific container in a multi-container pod (stdout)
Stream pod logs kubectl logs -f POD_NAME kubectl logs -f my-pod Stream logs of a specific pod (stdout)
Stream container logs kubectl logs -f POD_NAME -c CONTAINER_NAME kubectl logs -f my-pod -c my-container Stream logs of a specific container in a multi-container pod (stdout)
Stream logs with labels kubectl logs -f -l LABEL_KEY=LABEL_VALUE --all-containers kubectl logs -f -l app=myapp --all-containers Stream logs of all pods with a specific label (stdout)
Get previous container logs kubectl logs POD_NAME -c CONTAINER_NAME --previous kubectl logs my-pod -c my-container --previous Get logs of a previous instantiation of a specific container (stdout)
Get pod events kubectl describe pod POD_NAME kubectl describe pod my-pod Get events and other information of a specific pod
Get resource status kubectl get RESOURCE_TYPE RESOURCE_NAME kubectl get pod my-pod Get the current status of a specific resource
Debug running pod kubectl exec -it POD_NAME -- COMMAND kubectl exec -it my-pod -- /bin/bash Run a command in a running pod (interactive mode)

Kubernetes Troubleshooting Commands

Command Syntax Example Description
Check component statuses kubectl get componentstatuses kubectl get componentstatuses Get the status of Kubernetes components (e.g., etcd, controller manager, etc.)
Get cluster events kubectl get events kubectl get events List all events in the cluster
Get cluster events (sorted) kubectl get events --sort-by='.metadata.creationTimestamp' kubectl get events --sort-by='.metadata.creationTimestamp' List all events in the cluster sorted by timestamp
Get cluster events for a namespace kubectl get events --namespace=NAMESPACE kubectl get events --namespace=my-namespace List all events for a specific namespace
Check for configuration issues kubectl get nodes -o json kubectl get nodes -o json Get detailed information about nodes to diagnose issues
Check control plane logs kubectl logs -n kube-system -l component=COMPONENT_NAME kubectl logs -n kube-system -l component=kube-apiserver Check logs of control plane components (e.g., kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager, etc.)

Istio Troubleshooting Commands

Command Syntax Example Description
Check Istio components kubectl get pods -n istio-system kubectl get pods -n istio-system List all Istio components and their status
Get Istio component logs kubectl logs -n istio-system POD_NAME -c CONTAINER_NAME kubectl logs -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway-12345 -c istio-proxy Get logs of a specific Istio component
Check Istio configuration istioctl analyze istioctl analyze Analyze Istio configuration in the current

These commands cover a broad range of Kubernetes operations, from cluster management to workload and network management. Be sure to consult the official documentation for each tool (Kubernetes, Helm, and Istio) for more information on advanced usage, custom configurations, and best practices.