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AWS Lambda Cheatsheet

Estimated time to read: 7 minutes


AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that lets you run your code without provisioning or managing servers. Lambda automatically scales and manages your applications, so you can build applications that automatically respond to changes in demand.

Key Concepts

Functions Lambda functions are the core unit of Lambda. They are blocks of code written in a supported runtime and are invoked in response to an event.

Triggers Events that cause Lambda functions to start executing. Examples of triggers are API Gateway, S3, and CloudWatch Events.

Layers Lambda layers are a distribution mechanism for function code and dependencies. You can use them to manage and share common code across multiple functions.

Runtime A language-specific environment that runs your Lambda function. AWS provides runtimes for several programming languages, including Python, go, Node.js, Java, and more.

Cold Start The initial execution of a Lambda function when a new container is created to handle the request. This typically results in higher latency.

Lambda Function Components

Handler The entry point of your Lambda function. The handler processes the event and returns a response.

Event Object Contains information about the trigger event that initiated the Lambda function.

Context Object Contains information about the runtime and function execution environment.

Getting Started

  1. Create a Lambda function using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or an SDK.
  2. Add a trigger to automatically invoke the function or invoke it manually using the AWS CLI, SDK, or Lambda console.
  3. Monitor function execution with Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

Getting started example Commands

Create a Lambda function:

    aws lambda create-function --function-name <function_name> --runtime <runtime> --role <role_arn> --handler <handler> --zip-file fileb://<code_zip>
Update a Lambda function's code:

   aws lambda update-function-code --function-name <function_name> --zip-file fileb://<code_zip>

Invoke a Lambda function:

   aws lambda invoke --function-name <function_name> --payload <input_json> <output_file>

Add a trigger to a Lambda function:

   aws lambda create-event-source-mapping --function-name <function_name> --event-source-arn <event_source_arn>

List Lambda functions:

   aws lambda list-functions

Delete a Lambda function:

   aws lambda delete-function --function-name <function_name>

IAM Permissions: Ensure your Lambda function has the necessary permissions by attaching IAM policies to the function's execution role. This allows your function to interact with other AWS services.

Monitoring and Logging: Lambda automatically integrates with Amazon CloudWatch for logging and monitoring. Check the CloudWatch Logs for your function's execution logs and CloudWatch Metrics for monitoring performance and errors.

Pricing: AWS Lambda pricing is based on the number of requests and the duration of function execution. You only pay for the compute time that you actually use. There is a generous free tier available.

Here's a table with 30 useful AWS Lambda commands for engineers:

# Command Description
1 aws lambda create-function Create a new Lambda function
2 aws lambda update-function-code Update a Lambda function's code
3 aws lambda delete-function Delete a Lambda function
4 aws lambda list-functions List all Lambda functions
5 aws lambda get-function Get information about a specific Lambda function
6 aws lambda invoke Invoke a Lambda function
7 aws lambda create-event-source-mapping Create a new event source mapping for a Lambda function
8 aws lambda update-event-source-mapping Update an existing event source mapping for a Lambda function
9 aws lambda delete-event-source-mapping Delete an event source mapping for a Lambda function
10 aws lambda list-event-source-mappings List all event source mappings for a Lambda function
11 aws lambda list-tags List all tags for a Lambda function
12 aws lambda tag-resource Add tags to a Lambda function
13 aws lambda untag-resource Remove tags from a Lambda function
14 aws lambda list-versions-by-function List all versions of a Lambda function
15 aws lambda publish-version Publish a new version of a Lambda function
16 aws lambda create-alias Create an alias (new) for a Lambda function
17 aws lambda update-alias Update an existing alias for a Lambda function
18 aws lambda delete-alias Delete an alias for a Lambda function
19 aws lambda list-aliases List all aliases for a Lambda function
20 aws lambda get-alias Get information about a specific alias for a Lambda function
21 aws lambda get-policy Get the resource policy of a Lambda function
22 aws lambda add-permission Add a permission to a Lambda function's resource policy
23 aws lambda remove-permission Remove a permission from a Lambda function's resource policy
24 aws lambda create-layer-version Create a new version of a Lambda layer
25 aws lambda list-layer-versions List all versions of a Lambda layer
26 aws lambda delete-layer-version Delete a specific version of a Lambda layer
27 aws lambda list-layers List all Lambda layers
28 aws lambda get-layer-version Get information about a specific version of a Lambda layer
29 aws lambda update-function-configuration Update a Lambda function's configuration (memory, timeout, etc.)
30 aws lambda put-function-concurrency / aws lambda delete-function-concurrency Set or delete a Lambda function's reserved concurrency

These commands can be used with the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) to manage and interact with your AWS Lambda functions, layers, and related resources. Remember to replace the necessary placeholders (like <function_name> or <runtime>) with your own values when using the commands.

These additional commands extend your ability to manage various aspects of AWS Lambda, such as function configurations, provisioned concurrency, event invoke configurations, and code signing configurations. As before, replace the necessary placeholders with your own values when using the commands.

# Command Description
31 aws lambda get-function-configuration Get the configuration of a specific Lambda function
32 aws lambda list-provisioned-concurrency-configs List all provisioned concurrency configurations for a Lambda function
33 aws lambda put-provisioned-concurrency-config Set the provisioned concurrency configuration for a Lambda function
34 aws lambda delete-provisioned-concurrency-config Delete a provisioned concurrency configuration for a Lambda function
35 aws lambda get-provisioned-concurrency-config Get a provisioned concurrency configuration for a Lambda function
36 aws lambda get-account-settings Get the account-level settings for Lambda, such as resource limits
37 aws lambda list-function-event-invoke-configs List event invoke configurations for a Lambda function
38 aws lambda get-function-event-invoke-config Get the event invoke configuration for a Lambda function
39 aws lambda put-function-event-invoke-config Create or update an event invoke configuration for a Lambda function
40 aws lambda delete-function-event-invoke-config Delete an event invoke configuration for a Lambda function
41 aws lambda put-function-code-signing-config Create or update a code signing configuration for a Lambda function
42 aws lambda get-function-code-signing-config Get the code signing configuration for a Lambda function
43 aws lambda list-code-signing-configs List all code signing configurations for Lambda functions
44 aws lambda delete-function-code-signing-config Delete a code signing configuration for a Lambda function
45 aws lambda list-functions-by-code-signing-config List all Lambda functions associated with a specific code signing configuration

These commands will help you manage concurrency configurations and policies related to event sources, filter Lambda functions by the runtime or layer version, and manage dead-letter queue configurations.

# Command Description
46 aws lambda list-function-concurrency-configs List the concurrency configurations for a Lambda function
47 aws lambda get-policy-by-event-source Get the resource policy associated with an event source for a Lambda function
48 aws lambda list-functions-by-runtime List all Lambda functions with a specific runtime
49 aws lambda list-functions-by-layer-version List all Lambda functions that use a specific layer version
50 aws lambda put-function-dlq-config Create or update a dead-letter queue configuration for a Lambda function
51 aws lambda get-function-dlq-config Get the dead-letter queue configuration for a Lambda function
52 aws lambda delete-function-dlq-config Delete a dead-letter queue configuration for a Lambda function
53 aws lambda list-function-dlq-configs List all dead-letter queue configurations for Lambda functions

Keep in mind:

AWS is continuously evolving, and new features or commands may be added. It's always a good idea to consult the official AWS CLI documentation for the most up-to-date information on available commands: